How to Help A Receding Gum Line
Does your child have receding gums, an issue where the gumline pulls back, revealing more of their tooth? If so, there can be several reasons a child’s gum line starts receding.
Healthy gums are just as important as their teeth, as they are indicators of both oral, as well as overall, health. Fortunately, there’s many options to help with receding gums
What can I Do if my Child has a Receding Gum Line?
Your child’s gums serve a lot of functions besides holding teeth in their place. Healthy gums play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy mouth and need to have regular checkups to keep functioning properly. If you notice any receding gum line in your child’s mouth, it’s important to visit a dentist as soon as you can.
After doing an initial exam, your dentist might give you following suggestions:
- Improving dental hygiene habits may be needed, as bad oral hygiene can be the cause of receding gum line.
- A mouth guard may be required to wear at night, as in some cases teeth grinding can lead to a receding gum line.
What Causes Receding Gum Lines
It’s common to wonder what can cause receding gums. There can be several other reasons in addition to those above, such as:
- Incorrectly brushing and flossing—Sometimes children brush their teeth too hard, especially around the gums. Continuous hard brushing and using floss aggressively may cause the gum line to recede.
- Damage to the gums— Many times children can hurt their gums or mouth unknowingly. Untreated injury to the gums may lead to receding gum lines.
Kool Smiles Partners Can Help Resolve the Receding Gum Lines
Your kid’s gums are an essential part of a healthy mouth and are important for their wellbeing, in addition to helping them to have a healthy smile.
At all Kool Smiles partner’s office , our dentists can help your child learn to take care of their dental health and develop good habits. New patients are always welcome, and we’d love to help take care of your child’s receding gum line and other dental problems.
Call for appointment to Kool Smiles Partners Today
If you have any more questions, whether regarding receding gum line or any other dental issues, book an appointment for your child with one of our Kool Smiles Partner Dentists today!