Make Dental Health Fun with Our Lesson Plans
Kids don’t often think of a simple visit to the dentist office as “fun”. Which poses the question: How do you keep your kids interested in their own healthy oral hygiene after their visit to the dentist? With Kool Smiles Kids Club partners, dentists will engage your kids in a fresh new way about all the different ways they care for their teeth.
To take it a step further, Kool Smiles Kids Clubs partners offer dental lesson plans so your child will not only see the benefits of healthy dental habits at home, but actually enjoy it.
Dental Lesson Plans: What Are They Exactly?
Dental lesson plans from Kool Smiles Kids Club partners are great for the classroom and good clean fun at home. They help teachers or parents instruct kids on the finer points of healthy dental practices.
Kool Smiles Kids Club partners have thoughtfully created each activity to teach children in kindergarten through fifth grade about dental health in an appealing and entertaining style.
Every activity embraces an area of oral hygiene that’s essential for kids to realize, ranging from what foods are less likely to cause cavities, to the amount of time your kids should spend brushing their teeth.
Achieving Excellent Dental Health
Kool Smiles Kids Club partners lesson plans have everything you need to teach your children or students about excellent dental health. If you’re looking for even more fun activities, there are plenty available for you and your family.
All you have to do is print out any of the downloadable materials you want. They include:
- Coloring sheets
- Connect the dots
- Posters
- Holiday activities
The Earlier, The Better
Everyone will certainly agree it’s never too early to start teaching your children to care for their teeth. When kids learn at a young age how to properly care for their teeth, they’re much more likely to practice healthy dental habits over the course of their lifetime.
That’s why dentists at Kool Smiles Kids Club partners talk to your child about how critically important dental health is. This includes how to brush and floss, and how healthy foods can actually protect their teeth.
When you utilize dental lesson plans to teach your children about oral health at home or in the classroom, you help emphasize healthy habits that will keep your kids teeth shiny and bright.
Time For A Dental Health Checkup
All kids need regular dental health checkups. You can make an appointment for your child today by calling one of your local Kool Smiles Kids Club partners.
And just as a reminder, you can always download the dental lesson plans and other fun dental activities to share with your kids at home.
Mouth Healthy: http://www.mouthhealthykids.org/en/