Wisdom Teeth Removal: What to Expect
Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars a person gets, and they are usually not useful. They will often come in at the wrong angle or get stuck under the gums, causing pain and other dental issues.
When these teeth do not come in correctly, a dentist will often recommend removing them. Wisdom teeth removal is common practice, and while it usually does involve surgery, it is nothing you should fear. It can help to learn what to expect from the surgery.
Let’s answer your question of wisdom teeth removal and what to expect.
Before Surgery
You may feel pain or have problems with your wisdom teeth, which will prompt a visit to the dentist, where you learn about the need for removal. However, not everyone will have issues. You may only learn about the problem after getting x-rays.
Once your dentist decides you need to have surgery, he or she will refer you to an oral surgeon. Colgate explains that at your consultation with the surgeon, you will discuss your medical history, learn about the surgery, and go over any questions you have about the procedure.
Once you schedule your surgery, you should plan for the time off from work or school that you will need to recover. You should also find someone to help care for you and to drive you home.
During Surgery
Wisdom teeth removal takes about 45 minutes. The process begins with a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and gum directly. You may also receive a sedative.
The surgeon may need to cut your gums to remove the tooth. They may also remove some parts of the surrounding bone. The surgeon will stitch your gums with dissolvable stitches and stuff your mouth with gauze to soak up the blood.
After Surgery
You should expect to have some bleeding in the hours following the surgery. The gauze can help to stop it. Put slight pressure on it by closing your mouth. To minimize issues with developing a clot to stop the bleeding and protect the open socket, you should avoid sucking, spitting, or rinsing for at least 24 hours.
It is also common to have swelling in your face and around the area. You can use ice to help reduce this.
You will probably receive an antibiotic that you must take according to the instructions. If you received pain medication, you can take that as needed.
Avoid eating foods you need to chew until you have regained full feeling in your mouth. Soft foods are a good idea for at least the first few days.
You can brush your teeth except for the area near the surgery site. Avoid that for about 48 hours.
To minimize pain, you should open and close your mouth often to prevent your jaw from becoming sore. You also want to keep up your fluid intake.
Finally, make sure to follow all the instructions your surgeon gives you. Attend all follow-up visits as well.
Beyond Surgery
Once you have your wisdom teeth removal surgery, you should heal relatively quickly. You should also no longer suffer from any of the symptoms you had before the surgery. If you develop additional pain or other issues, you should contact your doctor right away.
Need your wisdom teeth removed? Our Kool Smiles partner dentists can help! Call us at 877-200-2064 or find a location near you to schedule an appointment today.