Tooth Decay Treatment Cost
When it comes to tooth decay, there are a number of different treatment options that can help repair and restore the affected tooth, thus reversing the damage. The cost of each treatment varies depending upon the extent of decay, the number of teeth involved, the materials used for restoration, and any additional diagnostic tools that may have been used.
It is always important to remember that it is much easier and affordable to repair a tooth with a small decayed lesion, as compared to restoring one with advanced stage damage.
Tooth Decay Treatment Options and Costs
There are multiple factors that need to be considered when determining the cost of a treatment that will ensure complete functional and aesthetic restoration of decayed teeth. Following are some dental restorative treatments, and a rough estimate of how much they will cost you:
Fillings ($50–$300)
A dental filling is the best treatment for a tooth that has sustained damage through decay, or caries. Some of the materials that are used for filling teeth include silver, gold, composite resin, and GIC. The material that is used during the treatment has a significant impact on the total cost.
Extractions ($75–$3,000)
A dental extraction may be needed in cases of advantaged stage infection which are irreversible. This usually happens when a cavity is left untreated for a long time, and destroys a major portion of the tooth. Extractions can be surgical or non-surgical, with the latter being more expensive and complex.
Bonding ($90–450)
Dental bonding refers to minor restorations done on the teeth using composite resins, to fix minor defects of the smile such as cracks, pits, small fractures, uneven margins, chipped edges and gaps etc. This is more of a cosmetic treatment, and can dramatically transform the appearance of the smile.
Crowns ($500–$8,000)
Dental crown, commonly known as caps, are used to cover damaged and structurally compromised teeth. Crowns protect the affected teeth from further damage, and completely restore their function in the oral cavity. These fixed prostheses can be made using metal, porcelain, or Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal. The material used to fabricate the crowns determines the total cost of the treatment.
Root Canals ($300–$2,000)
Root Canal is the treatment of choice when the decay has infect the innermost portion of a tooth, known as pulp. The procedure involves complete removed of the pulp following the administration of anesthesia, and then filling the canals with an inert endodontic material. This treatment involves multiple x-rays, at least 2-4 visits, and sedation. RCT of the front teeth costs $300-$1500, Bicuspids $400-$1800, and Molars $500-$2000. Keep in mind that root canal treatments are usually followed by dental crowns, which will add to the cost.
Fluoride Treatment ($0–50)
Fluoride treatments are highly cost-effective and can prevent the development of caries. It is a non-invasive procedures which only takes a few minutes, and can be performed during a routine dental check-up. These treatments not only prevent decay, but also effectively reverse damaged caused by bacteria.
Professional Treatment Options
Prevention is always the best defense – but often things aren’t in our control. If you’ve recently spotted an unusual white or brown spot on one of your teeth, give one of our Kool Smiles Kids Club partner dentists a call right away and they’ll book you an appointment.
Don’t let the cost of treatment scare you away from getting the care you need. Our Kool Smiles Kids Club partner dentists accept Medicaid, SCHIP, TRICARE, CareCredit, and all major insurances to help you out. If you don’t have insurance, they offer flexible payment plans for all cash/credit card patients.
From preventive treatments to complete restoration of dental functionality and smile aesthetics – our partner dentists are your one stop solution for all family dentistry needs. Give them a call today!
Dental Care Crisis: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-113shrg20708/pdf/CHRG-113shrg20708.pdf
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: http://www.hhs.gov/answers/medicare-and-medicaid/who-is-eligible-for-medicaid/index.html
CareCredit: http://www.carecredit.com/