How to Get Affordable Braces for Your Child | Kool Smiles
No one has ever said braces are inexpensive. But what may not be as well-known is just how many affordable options are available to you and your family. Without question, your child’s smile is of utmost important to his or her self-esteem and confidence.
Braces can help solve key developmental issues with your child’s bite and jawline. It’s crucial that you know exactly what to look for, and what to expect, in order for you to find the best and most economical braces available to you.
Payment Options to Cover the Costs of Braces
The first thing you want to do is schedule an appointment with your local orthodontist. This way you can ask upfront questions about fees and payment options before deciding to get braces for your child. The good news is there are plenty of options to cover the cost of braces.
Braces and Medicaid Options in Your State
Most of our Kool Smiles Partners accept Medicaid, but it may change depending on the state you reside in. More often than not, Medicaid will not pay for braces unless they are believed to be a medical necessity. Be sure to check with your local dentist or orthodontist to see if your child’s braces are covered by Medicaid in your location.
Little Know Option: Dental Schools
One method not often considered while seeking affordable braces are dental schools. Reduced rates may be available to you and your child at dental schools in your area. You can take comfort knowing that dental student schools practice under the watchful eye of experienced and professional orthodontists, while still reducing your cost.
Aid Programs and Insurance
It’s true that the Affordable Care Act does offer financial dental aid plans for children. However, it’s important to note that the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight says that in the majority of cases, braces that are not deemed medically necessary will not be covered under the Affordable Care Act. Be sure to check with your child’s dentist to see what options are available in your state.
Multiple Payment Opportunities
Orthodontic treatment for braces can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000. Not all insurance providers will cover the cost, so our Kool Smiles Kid’s Club Partners have several payment options available.
Expertise at Kool Smiles Kids Club Partners
Kool Smiles Kids Club partners offer many years of expertise and experience working with children. They care deeply and know what it means to make sure your kid’s smile is happy and healthy. Every Kool Smiles Kids Club partner location has a wide range of payment options that include cash, credit card or CareCredit.
And for general dental care, our partners accept most insurance providers, Medicaid and TRICARE.
Economically Priced Braces at Kool Smiles Kids Club Partners
At Kool Smiles Kids Club partners, braces start at $3,400 for an 18-month treatment. The cost, however, may depend on your child’s teeth. A detailed and more accurate estimate of the overall cost can be determined by an exam.
Call your local Kool Smiles Kids Club partner today to schedule a no-cost consultation for your child’s braces.
Healthcare.gov: https://www.healthcare.gov/
CMS: https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Data-Resources/ehb.html
OralB: https://oralb.com/en-us/oral-health/life-stages/braces/how-much-do-braces-cost/
CareCredit: http://www.carecredit.com