How Can Your Kids Get Rid of Fever Blisters?
If your child develops sores in, on, or around his or her mouth or lips, the sores may be fever blisters. Fever blisters usually resolve on their own without intervention from a dentist or physician, but there are a few things you need to know about them:
What Is a Fever Blister?
Fever blisters, or cold sores, are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1). The virus stays in the body forever, but it’s usually inactive. Once infected, some people may only have one outbreak of fever blisters. Others will have recurring outbreaks – often during periods of stress or illness.
Fever blisters usually progress through five stages. In the first stage, your child may experience a tingling, burning, or itching sensation near or inside the mouth. After a day or two, a red blister forms and begins to fill with a clear liquid (stage 2). In stage 3, the sore starts weeping. During stages 4 and 5, the final stages, the sore crusts over and heals.
Cold sores most commonly erupt around the borders of the lips.
How Can My Child Get Rid of Fever Blisters?
There’s no cure for HSV1 or fever blisters, but there are medications that can help the sores heal faster.
While the fever blisters are healing, it’s essential you take the necessary measures to facilitate healing and prevent the virus from spreading, including:
- Keeping the area around the blisters moisturized with lip balm.
- Avoiding touching the area. If you do accidentally touch the blister, wash your hands right away.
- Resisting picking at the sore, blister, or crust.
- Not sharing food or drinks during an outbreak.
Should I Call a Dentist?
It’s usually not necessary to see a dentist if your child has fever blisters, but you should reach out to a healthcare provider if your child has any of the following symptoms:
- Sores that don’t get better within a week
- Fever
- Sores that make it difficult to swallow or speak